Our Core Values

Care,Respect,Integrity,Trust, Accountability

For GCCF, these are more than words.  They represent the values that in just everything we do so as an Organization, each and every day.  From our programmes for children and young people, to how we treat eachother, to how we interact with partnersand communities worldwide.


Because care has been embedded in our DNA from the start, Today we care for and support children, young people and mothers in uganda in every context.This care must extend to how we work with one another, often in stressful environments where food insecurity and risk are a daily fact of life.


Because our programmes can only be effective if the recipients of our support feel understood and respected, and if we pay our colleagues at all levels the same respect that we want ourselves


Because GCCF’s reputation depends on all of us acting with honesty and transparency and setting the highest standards for ourselves as we work with partners,, donors and global community 


Because we cannot deliver effective programmes and services if communities do not believe that we are acting with their best interests at heart and if we do not trust one another to do the right thing at all times.


Because public and private donors as well as children and Vulnerable people in uganda, deserve to know how GCCF’s Programmes are run, how resources are spent and how results are being achieved